= sold
= reserved
= private collection

Charles Mahoney

Hubert Arthur Finney
Still life with fruit

Hubert Arthur Finney
Lake Park, Milwaukee

Marion Adnams
Seated nude

Hubert Arthur Finney
Landscape with farm and ruined castle

Hubert Arthur Finney
Woman and child

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies II for the cover of...

Barnett Freedman
Four Men - Street Players, circa 1926

William S Taylor
Audrey standing

William S Taylor
Three quarter lenght female nude

Stanley Lewis
Seated fox surrounded with rabbits

Alan Sorrell
Study for Mural II for the canteen...

Charles Mahoney
Study of Nicolas Poussin's 1648...

Mary Adshead
An Unpleasant Surprise

Mary Adshead
Lucky Day

Mary Adshead
John's House

Mary Adshead
Evening Primroses in a London Garden

Karl Hagedorn
Nude seated with left leg raised; ...

Karl Hagedorn
Petit Bonhomme

Evelyn Dunbar
Various Sketches

Evelyn Dunbar
Design 2 for personal correspondence

Evelyn Dunbar
Small girl

Evelyn Dunbar
Sheet with studies of faces in profile

Evelyn Dunbar
Irises and aquilegias

Evelyn Dunbar
'Hot pie'

Evelyn Dunbar
Muse with a Wreath of Myrtle

Evelyn Dunbar
Preliminary study for Gladiolus tristis

Evelyn Dunbar
Design 1 for personal correspondence

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies of a seated couple reading...

William S Taylor
Interior scene with woman reading by...

William S Taylor
Ambleside, 1941

William S Taylor
Mother, Brighton Lane, '40/2

William S Taylor
Women chatting in garden

Barnett Freedman
Study for the Stanhope Street group

Barnett Freedman
Study for Street Scene, circa 1933

Barnett Freedman
Preliminary study for Sketch for...

Barnett Freedman
Seated model, deshabillée, mid 1920's

Barnett Freedman
Street musicians, circa 1926

William S Taylor
Audrey putting on gloves, '42

William S Taylor
Study for Shepherd, 1943

William S Taylor
Study for Portrait (Ina Ades ?), 1943

Evelyn Dunbar
Layout for agricultural children's book

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies for Faith

Evelyn Dunbar
Sketches for Faith

Evelyn Dunbar
An illustration for an unidentified...

Evelyn Dunbar
Campanula Rapunculoides

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Sketch for Iris japonica (Ledger’s...

Evelyn Dunbar
Sketches and designs for an...

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies of Geranium armenum

Stanley Lewis
Study for Hyde Park, circa 1930

Stanley Lewis
Study of Hyde Park, circa 1931

Rudolf Sauter
View from an aeroplane

Rudolf Sauter
Quarry processing plant

Edward Irvine Halliday
Study for The Story of Marsyas

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Lilium Hansoni

Charles Mahoney
Study for Adam and Eve in the Garden...

Curt Rüschhoff
German observation balloons...

Karl Hagedorn
Reclining soldier, circa 1916

Karl Hagedorn
A Wise Bird Knows

Mary Adshead
Finial decorations

David Evans
Portrait of a young man

David Evans
Der Freischütz

David Evans
Street scene

David Evans
Inner Landscape, circa 1970

David Evans
Butterflies, late 1960's

David Evans
Invitation I, circa 1970

David Evans
Chickens in a Neo -Romantic landscape

David Evans
A Small Angel, mid 1970's

David Evans
Human Landscape, circa 1970

David Evans
Inner Landscape, design, circa 1970

David Evans
Life Drawing Class

David Evans
Prehistoric Landscape, circa 1970

David Evans
Land and Sky II, circa 1970

David Evans
Peak range, 1979

David Evans
Portrait of a Young Man

David Evans
Earth works, circa 1975

David Evans

Evelyn Dunbar
Study for the Brockley Murals

Francis Spear
Christ the saviour

Alan Sorrell
Study for mural for the canteen of...

Evelyn Dunbar
Study for the background to The...

Mary Adshead
Gladstone & Venus, 1931

Edward Irvine Halliday
Homage to Rembrandt, 1920

Edward Irvine Halliday
An Art Student Sketching

Kenneth Rowntree
Study of windows and terraced houses

John Hassall
Portrait of Bert Thomas

Bert Thomas
Walton on the Naze is So Bracing

Will True
Portrait of John Hassall

Sir Thomas Monnington
Compositional and cloud study for...

Stanley Lewis
Study for Hyde Park in Summer - the...

Alfred John Nunney
ew gloves....

Hubert Arthur Finney
A corner of the artist's studio with...

John Nash
Study of Ruhmania (Chinese Foxgloves)

John Nash
Study of Petunias

English School

Stanley Lewis
Toy Town

Francis Spear
Design for glass stained window

Francis Spear
For the further glory of God's House

Stephen Bone
Design for poster; Pictures of Spain...

Francis Spear
Martyr Soldier, 1941

Francis Spear
St Mathew, St Mark, St Luke St. John

Sir Thomas Monnington
Study of Olive leaves

Sir Thomas Monnington
Study of Olive leaves

Charles Cundall
Newport, 1963

Alfred John Nunney
On board, circa 1940

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Platycodon grandiflorum Mariesii

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Lilium Hansoni

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Melittis Melissophyllum

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Rosa (old roses)

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Ranunculus aconitifolius fl. pl.

Evelyn Dunbar and Charles Mahoney
Iris japonica Ledger's Variety

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies of Gladiolus tristis for...

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies of Gladiolus tristis for...

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies of Gladiolus tristis for...

Evelyn Dunbar
Study for a Christmas card design

Evelyn Dunbar
A set of 20 vignettes

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies for Faith

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies for Various Women’s Land...

Evelyn Dunbar

Evelyn Dunbar
Studies for the cover of...

Fortunino Matania
H.R.H. King George V with his Navy...

Fortunino Matania
Reception at India Office on the...

Anthony Gilbert
Portrait of the Artists wife, 1950's

English School
ARP versus IRA

Frank Newbould
LNER Spring on the East Coast

Maurice Radiguet
Correspondant d'Innombrables...

Alan Sorrell
Self Portrait (Illustration for The...

Alan Sorrell
Study for 'Court of the Worshipful...

Geoffrey Hamilton Rhoades
Study for a mural design, circa 1920

Sir Thomas Monnington
Study for Fighter Affiliation:...

Frank Reynolds
Portrait of John Hassall Painting

Alan Sorrell
Portrait of Evelyn Gibbs, circa 1929

Alan Sorrell
Study for 'A Burial Ceremony at...

Alan Sorrell
Study for 'Court of the Worshipful...

Raymond Sheppard
Rhino head

Barbara Jones
A Pile of captured German guns

Percy Horton
'On this occasion there was the...

Frank Brangwyn
Peace (Love Amid Ruins), circa 1915

Geoffrey Hamilton Rhoades
Sheet of studies: Portrait of a...

Geoffrey Hamilton Rhoades
Christmas Card 1936

Evelyn Dunbar
First page of a letter to Jane...

Reginald Brill
Study for The Rest, 1956

Gerald Anthony Coles
Design for stained glass window

Gerald Anthony Coles
Design for stained glass window

Reginald Brill
Sketch for The Mayor Being Led by a...

Fyffe Christie
Dance of the Blessed Spirits

Frank Brangwyn
Working photomontage for Man's...

Charles Mahoney
Study for Gardener's Choice, c. 1935

Raymond Sheppard
Story board - Panic Party

Geoffrey Hamilton Rhoades
Narcissi and ferns in a vase

Charles Mahoney
Study for The Four Winds of Hilly...

Alfred Reginald Thomson
Study of a table cloth

Alfred Reginald Thomson
Drapery study

Charles Cundall
Study for Cricket match

Edward Irvine Halliday
View across the Venetian Lagoon

Edward Irvine Halliday
Portrait of a man with glasses

Raymond Sheppard
H.M.S. Goliath and The end of the...

Lillian May Bevis Rowles
Sisters, circa 1915

Dorothy Mahoney
Oak Cottage from the back garden

Richard Carline
A dug-out at Ovillers, 1918

Lillian May Bevis Rowles
Melodrama, circa 1915

Catherine Olive Moody
The Mixture, circa 1982

Charles Mahoney
Details study of a pear tree

Roy Turner Durrant
Two Figures, 1954

Rosemary Allan
Embalment, c. 1930's

Edward Irvine Halliday
Design for a mural

Raymond Sheppard
Crsitine seated on a stool with doll...

Raymond Sheppard
Michael with Toy Car, c.1952

Stanley Lewis
Small Study of Paint Brushes, 1960

Frank Brangwyn
Ex Libris's I'Rivers, c.1920

Stanley Lewis
Study for Hyde Park, Figures (2), 1931

Charles Mahoney
View from rear window at Mahoney's...

Stanley Lewis
The Life Class

Elisabeth Vellacott
Textile Design - Small Pink & Green

Charles Mahoney
Studies of a Sunflower Plant

Henry Tonks
Stoking the fire - circa 1900

Henry George Rushbury
Porte Maillot, Paris

Alan Sorrell
Study for Murals for the canteen of...

Alan Sorrell
WW2, Interior of an RAF dormitory

Alan Sorrell
Study for Marching Gun Range and...

Alan Sorrell
Study for Watch Office

Alan Sorrell
Crosby Hall on the Chelsea Embankment

Alan Sorrell
Composition with airfield base

Alan Sorrell
Study for a Book jacket design, c. 1920

Alan Sorrell
Sheet of studies of an illustminated...

Alan Sorrell
Book jacket design,c. 1920,

Alan Sorrell
Part 3

Alan Sorrell
part 2

Alan Sorrell
Dejeuner sur l'herbe

Alan Sorrell

Alan Sorrell
RAF encampment

Alan Sorrell
Arriving at the airfield, circa 1940

Alan Sorrell
Juscilium., 1929

Alan Sorrell
Sheet of studies - tree trunk...

Alan Sorrell
Sketch for examination competition

Alan Sorrell
Study for People Seeking After Wisdom

Alan Sorrell
Study of a naked man, leaning forward

Alan Sorrell
Figures planting a tree

Alan Sorrell
Study for The Traveller

Charles Mahoney

Charles Mahoney
The Artist and his Muses, c 1950

Harcourt Medhurst Doyle
Oldham St Andrew. Lancashire 1968

Frank Brangwyn
L'Ombre de la Croix - Book 1

Charles Mahoney
Study of plant bulbs, circa 1940

Charles Mahoney

Charles Mahoney

Charles Mahoney
Mural design for Campion Hall -...

Charles Mahoney
Woodburner, circa 1940

Charles Mahoney
Sunflower and ferns

Winifred Knights
Sheet of Figure Studies

French School
A set of four framed paintings...

Charles Mahoney
Compositional study for The...

Dorothy Mahoney
Study from the Queen Mary Psalter

Dorothy Mahoney
Walled Garden Amongst Kentish Orchards

Charles Mahoney
The Artist's bedroom at The Queens...

Charles Mahoney
Picnic in a park circa 1925

Frank Brangwyn
King of the Seas - Raleigh, 1924

Charles Mahoney

Charles Mahoney
Sheet of studies with Palm, circa 1930

Charles Mahoney
The Artist picking Sunflowers

Charles Mahoney
Adam and Eve Seen through a Window

Raymond Sheppard
Sea Forms, circa 1950

Raymond Sheppard
Leave it to Jones, 1956

Raymond Sheppard
Christine Sketching at Kitchen Table

John Cecil Stephenson
Seated Female nude, rear view, 1944

Michael Canney
Casole d'Elsa, circa 1984

Michael Canney
Casole d'Elsa - study

Imre Goth
Das Kasperle-Theatre 1930

Raymond Sheppard
A speeding train hurled into...

Raymond Sheppard
Christine Seated with teddy, circa 1950

Frank Brangwyn
Merman, c. 1919

Frank Brangwyn
FB 96 - design for a tailpiece

Frank Brangwyn
Chrysanthumum in a vase, c 1944

Frank Brangwyn
Clemento Arch, Ancona, c 1937

Frank Brangwyn
Toreadors, c 1948

Frank Brangwyn
Roses in a vase, c 1944

Frank Brangwyn
Coach, Algeciras, c 1948

John Cecil Stephenson
Life Class, early 1930's

John Cecil Stephenson
Seated Male Nude

John Cecil Stephenson
Triple Life Study