Portrait of Mr Carl Eynon, circa 1962
Mounted (ref: 4042)
Signed and inscribed with title
Pen and ink 21 1/4 x 15 3/8 in. (54 x 39 cm.)
Signed and inscribed with title
Pen and ink 21 1/4 x 15 3/8 in. (54 x 39 cm.)
Provenance: from the artist's own collection.
Exhibited: The Unknown Artist: Stanley Lewis and his contemporaries, Cecil Higgins Art Gallery & Bedford Museum, 12th June - 5th September 2010..cat.no.78
Literature: Laugharne and Dylan Thomas, Dennis Dobson, 1967, reproduced p. 68
Mr Carl Eynon was not only the publican but a butcher as well, and his tiny butcher’s shop was situated only a few doors away from the pub door (called the Butchers Arms). The small bar with the low beams and settles, and stuffed birds in glass cases, was warm and cosy, and there was often the tantalizing smell of fagots or cowl wafting from the kitchen. Dylan would enquire whether Mrs Eynon was in good health, hoping that she would call him into the kitchen, which she usually did, so that he could sample some of her appetizing dishes. He was a quiet likeable man, said Mr Eynon, who never caused any trouble. He told us he was writing a play for voices, adding with a smile, I shall put you in it. In Under Milk Wood the butcher is called Mr Beynon .
Min Lewis, quoted in Laugharne and Dylan Thomas, 1963, p. 68