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Alfred Paul Dalou Drury (1903-1987)

Etcher and engraver born in Brockley, London the son of the distinguished sculptor Alfred Drury. Paul Drury was educated at King's College School, London, Bristol Grammar School and Westminster School. He went on to study art at Goldsmiths' College where, in 1924, he won the British Institution scholarship in engraving which enabled him to visit Italy.He was to return to Goldsmiths’ before and after World War II latterly as Principal, from 1966-69 and taught also at the Sir John Cass College in London. By 1924 he had begun to exhibit at the Royal Academy, it was not until 1929 that he came to public attention with his first solo exhibition at the Twenty One Gallery. He attracted keen critical acclaim arguably for two reasons: the sculptural quality in his portrait heads, which included part of a series of distinguished members of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the influence of Samuel Palmer on his landscapes. Drury, who was elec


After Work, 1926
Alfred Paul Dalou Drury
After Work, 1926  Sold