Jerome E. Esser (1883-1948)

Esser was an ordained Catholic priest, born in Belgium he moved to England some time before 1920. He was also a painter and skilled draughtsman and friend of the artist Frank Brangwyn, who gave him many of his drawings. Circa 1927 Esser is known to have travelled to Rangoon, Burma, arriving back in Britain in April 1928. As yet the reason is not known.

Esser was associated of the Order of Canons Regular of Prémontré (also known as the Premonstratensians, the Norbertines and the White Canons, whose community in Britain was based in Crowle, Lincolnshire which he took over in 1930. Following the formation of a parish at Stainforth near Doncaster in 1931, Esser became the parish Priest, a position he held until his death in 1948. A still life by Esser is illustrated in Colour Magazine, February 1920.

With thanks to

Frank Brangwyn: Drawings from the collection of Father Jerome Esser, by Sacha Llewellyn, published by Liss Fine Art, London 2015, ISBN 9780993088407

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