Dean Cornwell: Study of the State Capitol, Jefferson City, circa 1925 - on Art WW I



Dean Cornwell:
Study of the State Capitol, Jefferson City, circa 1925

Passe-partout (ref: 5042)
16 x 12 in. (41 x 30.5 cm)

Tags: Dean Cornwell gouache

The State Capitol, Jefferson City, USA was started in 1915 and completed in 1925.  The scheme consisted of four pendentives each 731.5 cm high (24 ft), 146.3 cm (48ft) wide at the top and 457 cm (15ft) wide at the base; additionally there were 8 lower dome panels approximately 487  x 853 cm (16 x 28 ft).

Dean Cornwell, one of the most successful American illustrators of the first half of the Twentieth Century worked as Brangwyn's assistant from 1926-1930.   Dr Libby Horner has suggested that Cornwell - who frequently outlined his own designs in blue - produced this sketch of the recently finished State Capitol murals to demonstrate his skill to Brangwyn whom he hoped would employ him as a studio assistant.  His desire to work as Brangywn's assistant at this point was to benefit from Brangwyn's experience as one of the most successful living muralists: Cornwell was shortly to start work on his own project, a commission for the Rotonda of the Los Angeles Public Library, 1927-32.

Provenance: Private collection, America

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