England, circa 1918
Framed (ref: 3570)
Tempera on board, Tryptch,
25.2 x 29.9 in. (64 x 76 cm.) overall
Tags: Percy Jowett panel tempera TOP 100 war No Mans Land RELIGION WW-1 Paintings Commemorating World War I World War One and its Aftermath
Tempera on board, Tryptch,
25.2 x 29.9 in. (64 x 76 cm.) overall
Tags: Percy Jowett panel tempera TOP 100 war No Mans Land RELIGION WW-1 Paintings Commemorating World War I World War One and its Aftermath
Provenance: Private collection
"About this time the Principal [of The Royal College of Art] engaged a part-time teacher who possessed a distinguished personality and this was a significant event for the school. His name was P.H. Jowett and he had returned from the war and at times suffered from shell-shock. He visited the school two or three days a week and by the inspiration of his teaching gained our confidence and almost hero worship, transferring his own enthusiasm for drawing, and the beauty of classical construction of the human figure, to all who came under his instruction. I remember still with clarity, his beautiful selective demonstration drawings, which we eventually cut out and treasured."
Unpublished Autobiography of Hugh Finney, 1971, quoted by kind permission of Nicholas Finney
IN 1918 Limited numbers of women wer given the vote for the first time.
World War One ended with Germany signing an armistice that brought the fighting on the Western Front to a halt at 11am on 11 November 1918