Frederick Carter:
The Apotheosis of Colombine (1910-11)
Framed (ref: 3060)
copper plate: 8 x 5 1/4 in. (20,3 x 13,3 cm.),
print: 11 1/2 x 8 1/4 in. (29 x 21 cm.) (Arches paper 250 g/m²)
Tags: Frederick Carter etching print allegory Highlights of 20/21 Art Fair theatre
Provenance: The Artist's Estate

Literature; Frederick Carter A.R.E. 1883-1967, A Study of his Etchings by Richard Grenville Clark, 1998, page 35
(250 g/m²)
A small number of prints have been pulled from the original copper plate on Arches paper (250 g/m²)
"The Apotheosis of Colombine is another rare instance of Punchinello's failure to impose his mischienf on his intended victims. Colombine is ascending into the sky in a beatific pose, hands becomingly placed on her breast in the manner of a supplicant, supported on either side by Pierrot and Harlequin. A seemingly lascivious Doctor figure is seeking to retrain her while Punchinello has fallen into the pool of water below, clutching an article of clothing. This print is full of Carterque humour and wit while suggesting a religious preoccupation." Richard Grenville Clarke