Clare Winsten:
Listening to the Wireless circa 1940
Mounted (ref: 2202)
Signed and inscribed with title
Pencil, 11 x 13 in. (28 x 33 cm)
Tags: Clare Winsten pencil leisure men portraits science
Provenance: Theodora, the artist's daughter
Sarah MacDougal, Whitchapel Girl, chapter 7 of Whitchapel At War: Isaac Rosenberg & His Circle, Ben Uri Gallery.
The artist's daughter Theodora, recalls,
my parents first met George Bernard Shaw in 1925 and then again in the 1940s. This friendship also led to a remarkable series of drawings and paintings.
As humanists, pacifists and vegetarians, the Winstens were natural allies of the polemicist and playright George Bernard Shaw. ....Over a decade (1946-1956) Steven Winsten produced five books on Shaw, ranging from biography to reminiscences, which have led to accusations that he 'fashioned a career our being Shaw's neighbour'. However, Shaw certainly enjoyed the Winstens company and, though he sat to many artists, he also sat for at least three - probably more - portraits to Clare Winsten. She also executed at least one bust of him, cast in an addition of three. One of her drawings of him is in the British Museum (1946).
Sarah MacDougal, Whitchapel Girl, chapter 7 of Whitchapel At War: Isaac Rosenberg & His Circle, Ben Uri Gallery, p 113-114